
An All-New Online Animation School from Animator Island!

We’re extremely excited today to announce a project that has been in the works behind-the-scenes for a very long time. A new online animation school from the creators of Animator Island!

[youtube width=”550″ height=”445″]http://youtu.be/L6UBUVZcwqA[/youtube]
Read on to learn how to enroll!

What is Animentorinstiversity?

Animentorinstiversity is a premiere online animation school created for animators, by animators. It is an institution of higher education where we truly believe dedicated passion, and money, can make all the difference in your future career. It isn’t just some flash-in-the-pan online school, either. Would a flash-in-the-pan online school have a lion for a logo? No it would not.

Best Logo Ever
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Animentorinstiversity provides students with a fast-track explosion of the hidden animation secrets that the other schools don’t want you to know about. While they tell you “hard work” and “practice” will allow you to reach your dreams, we fill your mind with thoughts of quick tips and easy shortcuts that won’t take you a lifetime to master. Want a job at Disney? With Animentorinstiversity, that could possibly happen. Anything is possible.

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Our Mission

At Animentorinstiversity, our goal is to provide just enough showmanship and flare to get you to sign up for our outstanding, award-winning* program. Once enrolled, we’d call that a big success. After all, a journey of a thousand steps begins with a single check or money order.

*Animentorinstiversity has won the prestigious “Best New Online Animation School” from AnimationSchoolReviews.net, a subsidiary of Animentorinstiversity.


Enrolling in Animentorinstiversity couldn’t be easier. Don’t bog yourself down with the complicated enrollment process of other schools, which can take more than 10 minutes. Who has time for that? Simply fill out the form below and we’ll get your other contact info, like name or whatever, once the payment clears.

Please Enter All Credit Card Information
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Animentorinstiversity doesn’t nickle and dime you to death with hidden admission fees and individual course costs like some schools. We are upfront about the amount of money you should blindly give us for promising to teach you stuff. Our goal is to be as honest and open with you as possible. Or maybe you’d rather attend a school that hides things from you? When we sell your contact information to third parties, we tell you about it.

We're practically GIVING it away!
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Isn’t Animentorinstiversity kind of expensive?

Can you put a price on your dreams? Dreams are expensive. Four hundred and eighty thousand dollars expensive. Do you want to learn animation or not? Because there are plenty of available jobs doing pointless data entry, or selling tires at a tire store, but we thought you wanted to change the world. Maybe we were wrong about you?

Ask yourself this: Which is better, a bar of soap that costs a dollar or a flat-screen TV that costs three grand? A TV is better than soap, every time, and it costs more meaning higher cost is equal to “being better.” Which makes you wonder what kind of “quality” education you’re getting from other lesser schools that only charge you a fraction of Animentorinstiversity’s tuition. Something to think about.

Student Requirements

Some online animation schools have ridiculous rules like “You must be over 18 to attend” or “Please be able to speak English.” Not Animentorinstiversity. We accept students of all ages and backgrounds, whether you passed the 4th grade or not. No matter if you speak English or Spanish or have a British accent, we’re still glad to take your money*. No biases here.

*Canadian “funny-money” currency is not accepted.

This Sounds Amazing!

It is. It really, really is.

Space is limited and we expect a very high demand for our initial run of classes. How would you feel if you missed out on this incredible opportunity? Sad and alone and like life had passed you by, that’s how. So be sure to enroll as soon as possible. Sooner than that even, you shouldn’t even be reading this far down the page. If you haven’t signed up yet, chances are good it’s too late. We might be able to squeeze you in still, but only if you sign up now. Right now. This second. Or are you going to be the one to tell your grandchildren “I wanted to be an animator, but I got some boring job that paid a steady salary instead and I’ve regretted that decision every day for the last 63 years?” You only get one life, maybe, so seize it by the horns and ride it like a wild panda into the dawn of a new, better tomorrow.

At Animentorinstiversity, we can help you find that panda.

Student Testimony Which Seems Weird Because We Technically Haven’t Even Opened Yet:


  • “When I got the email that said my payment had been accepted, I knew I was finally getting somewhere. My human existence finally had meaning.”
    -Chris W.


  • “Just looking at the pictures on the website has explained so many things about animation that I had always wondered about.”
    -Jennifer B.


  • “I didn’t agree to this, take my name out of the video immediately.”
    -Andreas D.


Enroll Today
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Haha, I almost believed it!


It’s exactly what I waited for! Where is my mastercard?


Would have been great if you got every letter of the alphabet in that name!! Love it! XD Does the lion logo have some special meaning?


Idiots! I clicked on this while I was in class and had to pretend I was choking because I was laughing so hard and going to get in trouble! You guys suck! 😛


The price seems high, but obviously just easing us in gently to the next class which will be over a million dollars! XD


Tell me more! Do we need to buy a special Animentorinstivesity textbook I bet?

Sereno Gratti

Thanks this is a great video and made me laugh


hahaha, this made my day.


HI Riki ,thought was very nice u have allot of fans .we are so happy if u doit well but think about fee,, make it possible to join Indians also

Victoria L.

Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please do more videos!!! This was amazing!

princess elsa

I would like to agree with Victoria above! Please do more videos! I really liked the Ed Hooks one you did too.


To which mailbox do I send my money!

Tom Franklin

HA! So good!


Oh my gosh this seems exactly like so many schools online haha. I thought it was real at first to. It is silly how many animators are just randomly opening “schools” on the internet because they know they can make money. Maybe they should be making more animation instead!

navneet singh

how would i know that the paper form critique is done by Milt Kahl and not by your neighbour .



Chris W.

This was my favorite April fools joke of the year. I didn’t get a chance to tell you how hilarious it was until now. Bravo!

suggester gary

HAHAHAHAH! I nearly died laughing!!


Good post , thanks and hilarious!




This was one of the most funny things I have ever seen! I was crying I was laughing so hard! XD